
Legend has it that Waiqar’s grand holdfast was built in the image of Llovar’s Black Citadel, but there are few who dare speak of it, for most know that the Undying One’s deadly gaze reaches deep into Terrinoth. Zorgas lies at the center of a nigh impassable bog with constantly shifting terrain that only clears a path when Waiqar wishes to ride out with his host. It is here where the most terrible of Waiqar’s forces are said to ready themselves for conquest.

Tales whisper of armies of Reanimates whose soldiers crew the parapets without rest while the most favored of Waiqar’s Deathborn sit at his Black Table, a grim mockery of the Council of Barons in Archaut. Warrens bored into the cliffsides around the black fortress house barrow wyrms, while the fortress’s expansive dungeons hold wraiths, banshees, and frenzied bone constructs too destructive to be allowed loose except when the utter annihilation of entire battlefields is desired.

Such tales also tell of the treasures that can be found here: magical items and weapons of rarity and power that date from the First Darkness. Many of Greyhaven’s scholars suspect untold numbers of runebound shards are locked away here as well, in partial fulfillment of Waiqar’s vow to claim them all for himself. Some venture here for other reasons, though, such as to scout out the forces of undeath for worried Daqan Lords. That almost none return has only increased their concern.



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