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The 18th of Shortsuns, 1329 A.P

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A World of Many

  Terro is a small planet filled with diverse races and monstrous creatures. Otherwise known as the Material Plane, Terro houses organic life such as plants, animals, and humanoids. It is flanked on all sides by an invisible barrier leading to the multiverse and it's many planes.   The world of Terro was created by ancient Gods who have long since disappeared into the cosmos, never to be heard from again. Their actions shaped continents and raging seas, spawning new life among the diverse biomes on the planet. Entities known as Pillar Gods, each hold an aspect of the universe in balance, while their children watch over the lands and races of the world. Primordial beings, devils, and demons, lurk in deep outer planes, plotting the destruction of all the Gods have created.  

New Empires

  At the inception of Terro, the world's continents were close together, allowing different humanoid races to mingle easily. However, it was shown to the Ancient Gods that this was not sustainable forever, and Empires created across racial lines quickly began fighting each other. As a response, the Continents were separated and the Empires of old began to fall. Now, new ones are rising in it's place. The world of Terro is in a rebuilding state, and no one knows what great power may rise next.

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