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Once an economic powerhouse of the Middle Realms and beyond, Eisenreik has always taken the top spot not only for its vast territories but also for its rich resources. Founded by the great dwarven High King known as Mallegor Brighthammer, he united all of the dwarven clans of Mount Stromburg and the Arengir Mountains.


Noble Houses

House Mallegor
House Ironhand
House Stannengraff

Draconic Houses

The Order of the Dragon

Other Nobilities

The Freemen

Augurstone Cabal
The Blacksteel Company
The Ironfang Tribes

Lower Labourers and Serfs


First Era, The Age of Unification

The dwarven clans were formerly at war with the orcish clans of Strommantel Valley and the sparse human settlers from the Void Beyond. However, the cataclysmic, invasion of demons known as the Legion of the Damned, the orcs, dwarves and men united as one, forging the union known as the Emberforge Legion. Thier unity has closed the anomalous conduits that link to the Plane of Hell, sealing away the demonic invasion and ushering an era of peace.

Second Era, The Age of Conquest

The Great War

The Third Era, The Age of Stability

The Shardfell

Fellcrag Bog

The Upcoming Fourth Era, The Age of Renaissance

Present Day and Current Events

Demography and Population


The Little Men (Dwarves and Halflings)

The Drommar (Orcs and Half-Orcs)

The Goblinoids (Bugbears, Goblins and Hobgoblins)

The Scalekin (Kobolds, Lizardfolk and Dragon-brethren)

Foreign Settlers


Mt. Stromburg

Temple of the Cloud Giants

The Northern Unterburg

Eisenstadt, the City of Iron


Northern Borders

The Eisenland

Dammerstadt, the City of Twilight


The Decaying Crevasse

Sollenheim, the City of the Rising Sun

Temple of the Grave Wardens

Arengir Mountains

The Southern Unterberg


The Drachenwald


Tribes and Settlements

Southern Borders

Other Locales of Note

Augurstone Academy


Prominent Faiths

The primary state religions of Eisenreik. Almost all of it's citizens take part of worshipping these deities or at least enacting thier traditional practices.

The Ebonkaiser, the Ironclad Soveriegn

The chief deity of the Eisenreik. One a single entity embodied by the dwarf High King Mallegor Brighthammer. Eventually succeeded by Ulgor Ironhand, the then Eisenkaiser of the Second Era. Nowadays, the Ebonkaiser is worshipped with multiples personas in a single entity, embodying the previous Eisenkaisers all throught the Reikland's history.

Azrael, The Lord of Life and Death

The God of Life as well as the God of Death. He governs the cycle of life death, decay and rebirth. He despises necromancy particularly resurrecting the dead. However he can be appeased into revivifying the dead if the soul is willing to return.

Mitherios, the Lord of Light, Fire and Burning Vengeance

The god of the sun, light, fire and punitive justice.

Zheor, The Father of the Forge

The dwarven chief god of industry, warfare and smithing.

Brigg, the Runelord of the Augurstone

The wise dwarven god of knowledge, history, geology and rune lore.

Sanguinos, the Font of Blood

The flegellant god of blood, medicine and war. The Tender of Wounds and the Patron of Endurance.

Arnald, the Lucky

The god of good luck, fortune and cosmic chaos. He is the twin brother of Landra.

Landra, the Fateful

The goddess of misfortune, bad luck and cosmic order. She is the twin sister of Arnald.

Schalleyah, the Earth Mother

The goddess of harvest, agriculture, familial love, motherhood. The most commonly worshipped deity amongs the Reiklanders.

Kerrunos, the Wild Father

The god of the hunt, fishing and animal husbandry. He is the primary patron god of the Red Cap Company and The Ironfang Tribes.

Crompus, the Hearth Father

The god of fire, hearth and winter. He is the brother of Kerrunos and a good friend of the elven god Vaul'brimbor.

Apsu, the Father of Dragons

The chief god of dragons, and the Scalekin. Primarily worshipped by kobolds, lizardfolk and dragons in Eisenreik.  

Outlawed Faiths and Cults

These cults and secret religions are considered outlawed by the entirity of Eisenreik's law due to it's destructive and fanatical nature.

Dahak, the Destroyer

Once an ambitious Red Dragon who seeks to overthrow Mallegor Brighthammer as the Ebonkaiser.

Urghaz, the Brazen Bull

The Dark Dwarven God of destructive industry, pollution and slave labour.

Molgroth, the Black Ork

The Dark Orcish God of bloodshed, destruction and mass slaughter.

Lamashtu, the Mother of Monsters


Splinter Faiths

These gods, while not outlawed, are sparesly known and primarily worshipped by mostly foreign settlers in Eisenreik.

The Cadai

Mostly worshipped by elven settlers in Eisenreik, adopting them with the nation's state religions.

The Kami

Mostly worshipped by the Yamatai people who settled in Eisenreik.

Foreign Relations

The Middle Realms


Los Platas


The Western Realms



The Duskvale

The Eastern Realms


Luong Zhou

Like Iron and Steel we Endure!!!

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Reikland, The Kingdom of Iron (Literal Translation), The Empire of Steel
Reiklander, Imperial (by other Nations)
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Platinum Scales (aka Plats) - equal to 10 Groschens
Auran Groschens (aka Gold)- equal to 10 Shillings
Argent Shillings (aka Shills)- equal to 10 Pfennigs
Copper Pfennigs (aka Penny)
Neighboring Nations

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