Bruce the Bastard. Duke of Haerford Character in Tertara | World Anvil

Bruce the Bastard. Duke of Haerford

Bruce the Dark Hearted, The Blackstone King, The Hangmen's Lord, The Scourge of the North, The Bastard King

The life of a bastard child is rarely a pleasent one, as it is to be so close to power, only to be locked away by the ignorant nobles of the courts. Some simply learn to adapt, but Bruce has a tendency to instead to have the court hung, strung, and quartered. He is the illegitamate child of the current king of Ashenfeld, King Colart the III, and is said to be born into a minor noble family in Haerford. Instead of accepting life as a minor man of power, he instead took quickly to the life of an utterly ruthless man of intrigue and combat prowess. He killed, overpowered, and conquered any family in his way, and eventually managed to work his way into the ruling family of Haerford. However, this is not enough, as he has perhaps most fiercely fought in this civil war, vowing that he should rightfully be on the throne instead of his incompetent father. He has his armies burn and destory any who do not bend the knee, and any inssurection or uprisings are burned with fire and fury. He has as of late hired the Revenants Vow, a hihgly infamous sellsword company, to be his iron gloved fist, as well as his Knights of the Black Rose. He will either be given the power he is owed by birth, or he will burn the nation to the ground if he has to.
Brown, Well Kept
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Flame
Aligned Organization
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