Ceòlia, Elven Goddess of Shadows and Mists

The Misty One, The Veiled One, She who is Hidden

Ceòlia, is the Elven Goddess of Shadows and Mists. She is the one who guards that which is hidden, and blesses assassins' and thieves on their missions. It is said she is behind every scheme, every assassination, and every gambit for power within noble elven courts.  She is theorized to sometimes walk amongst mortal elves as a woman wearing a veil, who will whisper to truly great assassins' who they must kill to save the elven people. This form can vary but the veil remains the same each and every time. She also is said to be fond of elves with wanderlust, for they will find what is hidden.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A grey, cloth mask with two eyeholes

Tenets of Faith

She technically has no real set out worship besides: remain hidden when moving in the shadows, and always seek that which is hidden but hide that which you find. She is not so much worshipped by many as instead asked in quick, hushed prayers by thief's and assassins'
Divine Classification