Eilistraee. New Drow Goddess of Beauty, Song, and Moonlight

The Dark Maiden, The Upstart Goddess, Lady of the Dance, Lady Silverhair, The Dark Dancer, The Dancing Goddess

Eilistraee is the newest drow goddess, representing Beauty, dance, freedom, hunting, moonlight, song, swordwork. She is the most recent goddess, having just been preached of and worshiped some 120 years ago. She is argued fiercely within the drow community as to if she's even real, with the older generators who favor lolth over all else say that she is not real and just a dangerous rebel sentiment with the younger generations who weren't there when the Underdark was destroyed. Her followers are mostly the younger drow who ever since the revelation that lolth has been imprisoned, feel that they need to move on and adapt to the new life they have to live, that being living on the surface. While some drow split off from the drow pantheon to worship surface born gods and goddess, many stick with Eilistraee, for she is the herald of a new way of life for this generation of drow. She represents a future where drow welcome all races and where they break off the shackles of being known as slavers and vile tormentors. However this future has not fully developed yet, as not only must they shake of the social stigma of their past evil deeds that last about as long as recorded history goes, and the fact that this new faith has effectively split the remaining drow community in half, with some favoring Eilistraee, and others Lolth and the rest of the drow pantheon.

Divine Domains

Light, Nature, Light

Holy Books & Codes

Eilistraee's holy book is known as the Luna Scrolls, which were codified some 120 years ago. They detail the deeds one must do to earn the blessing of Eilistraee, and that Eilistraee cares for all her subjects and will not harm those that seek her warmth and compassion.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A naked drow female with long silver hair, dancing before a full moon with a silver bastard sword

Tenets of Faith

Most of Eilistraee's tenants revolve around peace and dance, with it being common to dance in the moonlight welcome others with a smile.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To have the Drow abandon Lolth and embrace a more peaceful future.
Divine Classification