Heymon Gundobad, Founder of Ashenfeld and Herald of the Flame

Uniter of the Ashen, The Flame's Chosen, The Bane of Orcs, The Slayer of Undead, The King of the Tribes, The Unifier, The Blessed One, Warlord of the Gundobads

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He was said to be in such perfect physical condition that he was able to punch an orcs head clean off with his bare fists.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The story of Heymon is one shrouded in both mystery and awe. None know for sure his origins, but what is known is that he was born during the invasion of Orcs into very early Asehnfeld, and would at a young age prove himself a capable warrior. It is said that amongst his tribe, the Gundobads, he would slay a drake at the age of just 15. This would see him catapault to great status amongst his tribe, and this was only helped by being the Chieftain's son. He is said to have been exploring when he came across a group of orcs hiding in a cave. After slaying them all with his sword, he came across a strange sight, being a low burning flame in the middle of the cave. As he approached he is said to have recieved a vision of The Flame. None can say what the vision was exactly, but what is known is he would emerge with a torch in his hand that carried with is the burning wrath of the Flame.   After this he would come back to his tribe and reveal to them his newfound mission, and he would go on to lead his tribe to the nearby tribes, where he would fight the Orcs assaulting them and unite them under his banner. he would keep doing this until he united the Ashenfeld tribes. History would go on to see him as the great unifier, and it was near the end of his time on this planet when he would lay out the groundworks for the Kingdom of Ashenfeld, before eventually traveling to the World Spear, where he disappeared. It is believed he is now with the Flame, and will one day return when Ashenfeld's need is dire.

Accomplishments & Achievements

United the tribes of Ashenfeld together, formed the nation of Ashenfeld, brought about the beginnings of the Church of the Flame, freed Nilush from hordes of Orcs and Ogres.

Personality Characteristics


Many believe that the Flame spoke to him, and this would lead him on his journey to unite the tribes of Ashenfeld together into one unified kingdom.
Current Status
Unknown, likely with the Flame
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Circumstances of Birth
Said to be born under a falling star
Circumstances of Death
Disappeared while heading to the World Spear
Dark Blue
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The Flame, and a ancient pagan god known as Etjun
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations