Ibium, God of Seasons and Change

The Everchanging One

Ibium is the god of seasons and change. He is an ever fickle and changing god, and it is said his realm is impossible to get to for it changes location and geography so much. His priests are split into different factions relating to each season, and when one season comes, the other priesthoods retire to allow the current seasons priesthood to take primacy and worship the coming and passing of the seasons. Many worshippers worship Ibium to celebrate the passing of time and the ever changing state of the world and mortal affairs

Divine Domains

Life and Nature

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A face with one half being covered in branches

Tenets of Faith

  • Respect nature and time
  • Be open to new ideals for change is common in life
  • Everyone is connected and no one exists solely on their own
  • Observe the changing of seasons


Family Ties

Ibium is a child of the Flame, and is closest with his brother Inos, God of the Hunt, for the seasons affect what animals are hunted.
Divine Classification