Ivlena, Elven Goddess of the Sea

The Cruel Mistress, The Lady of the Waves, The Bringer of Storms

Ivlena is the Elven Goddess of the Sea, and it is from her that the sea is maintained and remains an ever beautiful but incredibly dangerous place. She is a fickle goddess, but one that must be respected and prayed to, lest her wrath be unleashed on the world. Curiously, elves are not the only ones that pray to her. For some reason, most if not all sailors save for the dwarves and drow, pray to Ivlena. Human sailors who still worship the flame will yet pray to Ivlena to prevent her anger. It is not sure as to why this is, but some scholars attribute it to the rapid growth the elven empire of old had in the world and how the sailors of other races picked up the worship of Ivlena from elven sailors.

Divine Domains

Tempest, Sea

Holy Books & Codes

The Law of the Ocean

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An Albatross with a wave pattern behind it

Tenets of Faith

Ivlena is an especially fickle goddess. So her strictures are prone to change every day. What may have pleased her one day could throw her into such a rage she sinks you and the crew to their watery graves, which is said is so deep even the elven goddess of death wont come to collect their souls. Due to how fickler she is, the tenants tend to change, with the faithful praying that they do not anger her too greatly. These tenants are mostly based around superstition, such as a naked woman as a figurehead will bring good luck, giving a gold if you fall overboard will save you, don't say the word "drowned" when at sea, the first fish caught each day must be thrown back as an offering to Ivlena, etc. Curiously, Sea Elves seem immune to this fickleness, and seem to be favored greatly by Ivlena above all others.
Divine Classification