Khonir, Elven God of the Hunt

The Hunter, The Untamed Beast, the Wild-Man, Natures Wrath

Khonir is an ancient Elven god representing the hunt and hunters alike. When the Elves first came to this world, they did not know how to hunt, and it was up to Khonir to show them how. He would teach the first hunters how to move through the forest and hunt game for survival. However as the island of Iadith became more civilized, less and less people worshipped him. That was until the Great Exit, in where the Wood Elves would form in the Great Dale Woods and worship him as a chief deity alongside his wife, Ira. While some on Iadith still mumble quick prayers to him, by and large most of his worship comes from the Wood Elves. It is said that he can be an angry war god if needed, and at times will give many Wood Elves visions that will lead them on a hunt, known as the Wild Hunt. This hunt is where the forest gets its revenge on those who have wronged it, and many ride in the hunts name to give offerings to Khonir. He and Ira both watch the Great Dale Woods and seem to get involved far more than other gods, though this is still restrained to visions and whispers into the minds of their Wood Elf children.

Divine Domains

Nature, War, Hunt


He is said to have gifted Trakkos the Twice Born with a spear made of a wood so strong that not even steel can cut through it, and this spear is to infused with his powers of killing and hunting. He is also said to have gifted Trakkos a horn with which he can speak into him to sound the horn once the Wild Hunt must begin.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A pale green elk with vines growing off of its horns.

Tenets of Faith

  • Hunt only for survival
  • Be wild and untamed
  • Always know that the forests are your true home
Divine Classification