Kiaransalee, Goddess of Undead, Vengeance

Lady of the Dead, The Revenancer, The Vengeful Banshee

Kiaransalee is the drow goddess of Undead and Vengeance. She was in her past life a necromancer queen who had a penchant for fiery retribution. However in her studies of that which is forbidden, she would go mad, and eventually become a super powerful lich. She would ascended to be a demigod however in this state she was bound down by Lolth and forced into vassalage to Lolth. She was only capable of small acts of rebellion against Lolth, who would sometimes kill her, however Kiaransalee's power over death simply meant she would come back. However, this new age of drow is diffrent, for Lolth has been imprisoned. This now insane goddess with delusions of revenge now spreads her insidious cultists wherever she may perceive a slight to be corrected, and some necromancers, even non drow, give praise to her name when raising the dead.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Death

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Drow hand wearinng many silver rings.

Tenets of Faith

The faith of Kiaransalee was never really organized in any major way, with worshippers mainly being very small groups of cultists. They were mainly agents of vengeance who sought out many assassination missions against those they saw as enemies of the faith. However some basic tenants were:
  • Do not fear death, or undeath
  • The dead are holy, treat them with reverence
  • Never let any slight against the faith or you go unanswered
Divine Classification
Lesser Goddess