Onrasha, Elven Goddess of Harvest, Civilization, and Creativity

She who maintains Order

Onrasha is the Elven Goddess of Harvest, Civilization, and Creativity. She is the one who maintains order amongst the elves, and is why they are such a perfect society. This is why when the empire fell, it is said she wept for all her work being undone in but a day that it drowned an entire province of Iadith. It now is plagued by many rainstorms because of it. Though it is said that she will guide the Elves to rebuild their empire, and become the greatest civilization of the world.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A flaming hoop

Tenets of Faith

She isn't so much as worshipped as she is praised for maintaining order and stability amongst the elven people, as well as providing good crops. All that is asked is that they leave a small offering to her at the beginning of the year, as well as praying during harvest season for a good harvest
Divine Classification