Teclian, Elven God of Creation

The Great One, The Father of All

Teclain is the Elven God of Creation, War, Justice, Knowledge, Light, and Honor. He created the ancient Elves of old, and he raised the Elves up to their status as the dominant race. It is said that he will one day raise the Elves back to their proper place, the rulers of the world. They will achieve this by force if necessary, for the world is the rightful domain of the Elves. He has become the most popular god after the fall of the empire, for the idea of retaking what was once there's has appealed to many an Elf. This has led to many Elves dedicating themselves to Teclian, and for Teclian's fiery zeal and fury be what defines many High Elves. He has no real depiction other then he is a Bull Headed God who is mightier then anything in this world.

Divine Domains

Order, War, Light

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Bull head with gold lining the horns

Tenets of Faith

  • There is no greater god then Teclian
  • Pray to Teclian before a battle, and at the start of a war
  • Always keep the noble bearing of an elf when dealing with other races
  • Always uphold the honor of all Elves
  • The world is the domain of the Elves
Divine Classification