The Legion of Iron Military Formation in Tertara | World Anvil

The Legion of Iron

Fealty, Loyalty, Honor, Courage, Duty!

Hail to the most loyal of Legions, and the most fabeled and ancient of the armies that march under Ashenfeld, The Legion of Iron. Said to have been founded shortly after the nation of Ashenfeld came into being, it is said they were first made by a man known as Vokar the Mighty, one of the most loyal to the founding king Heymon Gundobad. These young paladins would swear utter fealty to the crown and ruler, and it is said this pact was sealed with the blood of their king as he lay woundded from a fierce battle by a cursed blade. This pact is enrhsined still in the royal castle of the ruling king, and it is expected that ever king and queen must let their blood touch upon the skull of Vokar as he sits over the pact. Ever member who joins is said to have the symbol branded upon their flesh, and with this act they shed off their previous life in favor of the life in the legion. Since their founding they have followed the king whereever he may decree his word or sword be sent to, leading to the Legion of Iron gaining endless honors and titles. For this reason, they are the most elite of the legions, and with the backing of the royal capital they are also the most wealthy and well finanaced, all bearing the best gold can be in wepaonry. However, such pargaons and paladins now have their true test, the civil war and the crisis of faith. Is it honorable to serve a king who failed the Crusade of Light? Is it betrayal to choose the people over ones king? Or is the king a honorable soul, sacrificing his dignity for the good of the world? The civil war has put the legion to the ultimate test, and though they are mighty, they are fighting on the defensive. They are surronded on all sides by enemies, and are spread thin as they fight desperate battles to hold the line. But hold they shall, for their oaths do not allow them to flee before the enemy, and to know no fear.



The Legion of Iron is led by Lord Commander Dorian Kaylock, who has a council under him made up of the commanders and auxiliary priests of the legion. Under them are of course the lieutenants and under that the many other ranks of the legion.


For the most part, the tactics of the Legion of Iron are very adaptable, being able to fill most of any combat role with ease. Since the battlefields of the Ashenfeld Civil War can be unpredictable, being flexiable could mean the difference from life and death. However as of late the Legion of Iron has been forced to be on the defensive rather than engage in any offensive campaigns. They also heavily rely on their wealth to see them through fights with their top quality equipment and backing.