The Legion of the Sable Rose Military Formation in Tertara | World Anvil

The Legion of the Sable Rose

No Cost too Great

Though the banners of the Sable Rose are young, the youngest legion in Ashenfeld, they have become one of the most infamous and feared in such little time. This legion was made to replace the now lost and forgotten Legion of the Burned Tree that once stood guard over Haerford. This Legion fought a last stand during the retreat of the Crusade of Light, and were wiped out in their entierty. In response, Duke Bruce petitioned for a new legion to be made post haste, for he predicted that soon he'd have need of them if he would take back his birthright. It is said as the call for a new legion was made, the founding leader, an older woman named Rosalind Godfrey found spiritual awakening admist the crashsite of several comets. These comets revealed a substance that was some of the blackest steel, reffered to as Black Stone. The patterns of the impacts resembeled vaugely a rose, and so this woman came to Bruce and was granted the honor of founding the new legion. So it was the Legion of the Sable Rose was born, made atop the mountain these comets hit. The Obsidian Keep stands proud and imposing, just like the Duke who rules them. The lady Rosalind died under mysterious circumstances near the complettion of the fortress, and her body was entombed in a great imposing sarcophagous in the throne room. They are the obsidian gloved fist that slams upon the enemies of Haerford, and they crush all opposition and rebellion that may stand before Bruce the Bastard.



Equipment is paid for and supplied by the Duke, with most of their armor being blackened steel to show their ferocity. This is also why many of their helmets have the guise of horned monsters and demons, so that they may strike fear in their enemies hearts. Some also emblazon patterns of beautiful thorned roses and other such designs. A common motiff is to wear eyeliner that runs down the cheeks, almost like a symbol of mock mourning for the lost legion and their founder.


The commander of the Legion of the Black Rose is one Alexander Blackheart, a ruthless and cold man who some say is more demon than man. He is utterly focused on war and death, and is perhaps the most fearsome combatant amongst the legion commanders.


Scorched earth and terror are the favored means of the Legion of the Sable Rose. The Duke is a violent and cruel man, and so his legion mirrors this cruelty by being merciless and harsh in their operations. Its not unheard of for them to leave a trail of fire as they go, for the only way to regain control of Bruce's rightful land is through fire and death. Many others may decry them as barbaric despoilers, but none can question the efficiency of the stomping march of the Black Rose's banners.