The Legion of the Whale Military Formation in Tertara | World Anvil

The Legion of the Whale

While one must defend from enemies walking around the land, the sea has always been a dangerous place as well. In some ways it is even more dangerous, for who knows what horrors could emerge from the hateful depths of the seas to wreck havoc upon those living on land. Merchant ships are easy prey for pirates and beasts, and if they fall then trade soon falls with it. This is where the Legion of the Whale comes in. Formed to be the first and last line of defense for the proud trade province of Winden, the Legion of the Whale are part army, part nautical marine force, tasked with patrolling the local waters and coastlines. However, though their vigil started upon the coast, it is foolish to assume ones friends will not ever betray them. Indeed Winden has always been paranoid of betrayal, ironic considering the state of things, and as such many of the merchant famalies also help fund the Legion to be the vanguard force for the armies of Winden. When the duke calls for war, The Legion of the Whale follows, bedecked and scaled armor and all manner of designs mimicing the vast and diverse sea life seen off of the shores of Winden. They are savage close quarters combatants, always eager to get stuck in with the enemy and prove themselves to their famalies and paymasters. Recently they have been pushing hard to make ground on the Treehold front, for Treehold has always been a bitter rival of Winden and its lands of gold and riches.



Though they are tasked with the defense of many ships, they technically do not own any ships themselves. The Duke of their territory controls them, and the legion simply guard them as an act of allegiance


Structed the same as other legions, and they are led by one Lady Dimia Parry, a cold and ruthless woman who has spent much time out sailing and captaining her own ship, which translates strangely well to organizing land based armies.


As stated previously the legion is a mix of nautical and land based warfare, and so they tend to favor savage close quarters battle. Many seek to close the distance and bring the fight to the enemy, preferring to use momentum to never let the enemy rest enough to mount a defensive solution.



Curiously, a lot of priests of Ivlena the Sea Goddess accompany the legion even on land battles, and so they make for devastating auxiliaries as they call down the fury of the ocean and the crashing waves against their enemy.