The Legion of the Wolf Lord Military Formation in Tertara | World Anvil

The Legion of the Wolf Lord

Fang, Claw, Coat, Blood! Teeth, Love, Heart, Blood!

The battlefield quakes with the sound of thunderous howling and blood crazed screaming. One would be forgiven for thinking the Northmen of Aldinnheimr have arrived, but instead it is the Legion of the Wolf Lord, the legion loyal to the fabeled lands of Carthland. Fabeled for its hatred and warlike people, who seem to have a bone to pick with everyone and everything, even each other. Regardless, this legion was made with the help of the Cult of Utarr, the old faith of the ethnic carthians (who themelves were once the Thugen Tribe) they helped fund and supply the earliest forms of this legion. This legion is perhaps the second youngest, only being made after the annexation of Carthland was overruled, and Carthland was made into its own province in the year 1045EC. They are made up of the strongest and toughest warriors from each village and city, forming an almost beserker like order. They are infamous for rushing into battle screaming and howling to scare their enemy, relying on shock tactics and heavy hitting melee units as opposed to organized battle lines. They also serve a dual purpose of keeping the Carthians pleased, for it mostly helps when the legion is a melting pot of the diffrent tribes and villages, rather than letting them hate each other. Since the start of the civil war, they have begun fighting fervently for Carthland, seemingly not intrested in advancing their political sway over their duchess and more just fighting and conquering the land, and forming the new Carthland Empire. The main fighting seems focused on the Haerford line, which Haerford is only barely able to keep them back. The baying howling sounds once more, and the horizon begins to darken with charging men and women.



The Legion of the Wolf Lord is commanded by oneĀ Turald Louet, a highly skilled warrior said to have been blessed by Utarr himself, and has sworn a blood oath to the duchess of Carthland, Miranda Wickes.