The Legion of the Wood Hart Military Formation in Tertara | World Anvil

The Legion of the Wood Hart

The plains and forests provide much wonder, and also danger. The forests have always been almost akin to a realm of gods in their own right, a place of both awe inspiring wonder and terror. Such place is where Coltherstone has made its home, and where its residents stubbornly survive to this day. This is in no small part thanks to the Legion of the Wood Hart, who scout the forests and skirmish with those who invade their land. This order has been standing since the great battles against orcs and the like from the Hollow Thicket and Gentle Grove forests. It is they who stand guard against the monsters and feral orc tribes, and against the fey creatures from the Anlin Forest. Emblazoning their order with the symbols of the very forests that surrond them, they have specalized in moving through the woodlands and skirmish warfare. They have also made extensive use of men and woman either being ex-rangers or have some teachings from the famous rangers that prowl the forests. They have as of late began to raid their neighborghs during this civil war, and have locked down the riverways under the orders of Duke Langley the Swift, with the help of the Ashfeldian river patrols. This has resulted in alot of riverway traffic getting stuck in Coltherstone or just outisde its borders, making it hard for many to trade or get food. Coltherstone itself is going through a famine, but the Wood Hart warriors stand strong and ready to fight and harry their opponenets. Under the command of the brilliant tactician Issac Kaylock, they have proven to be a consistent annoyance for Murton, Winden, and Haerford. Time will tell if they are still able to keep up the momemntum to lead them to victory.