Vashla, Elven God of the Fire, Forge, and the Sun

The Flaming One, The Immortal Smith

Vashla is the elven god of fire, forge, and the sun. It is said that he lives in the great volcano in Iadith, and the fire elves who moved there long ago have come to worship him. Around him they have built a society that is honor bound and strong. that focuses on the here and now rather then the future. Ash will consume all at some point, and so it is better to solve problems and focus on the now rather then think about the future. The fire elves believe one day Vashla will erupt out of the volcano and judge the world.

Divine Domains

Light, Forge


Many of the magical weapons' forged inside the volcano he is thought to reside in are imbued with his holy fire, and said to burn so hot that they can stay alight even underwater.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Flaming Mountain

Tenets of Faith

  • ‘Solid as the core is our word, burning like fire is our fury to those who break it’
  • ‘Destruction is certain, accept and rebuild, look only to survive the coming ash’
Divine Classification