Vhaeraun, Drow God of Thievery, Drow Males, Evil Activity of the Surface

Son of Lolth, The Masked Lord, The Masked God of Night, The Shadow, The Masked Mage, The Lord of Shadow, Shadow Lord

Vhaeraun is the Drow God of Thievery, Males, and Evil against the Surface Dwellers. He is an arrogant and vain god, who embodies the ideal that drow are superior to any other race on this pathetic world. His followers preach that his main goal is to subjugate all other races, to better serve their drow masters. While he preaches death and destruction of the surface world, curiously he also urges equality of the sexes, and so males pray to Vhaeraun for comfort and those who sought a better life then slavery under Lolth's matriarchy, a fact that annoyed and angered Lolth to no end. However due to their relationship as mother and son, this hate would remain the typical animosity that most drow have with their parents. However despite this disagreement, his goals were always to further the drow, and by extension Lolth's, interests on the surface and power there.    However ever since the Underdark Catacylsym, his priests have felt a massive shift in his temperament since then. With his mother gone and the race nearly wiped out in a day, he became melancholy and dour, with priests receiving visions of a god, mighty in form and power, but broken in will. It is said he has gone to seek his mother out, and so cannot be manifested as of now, however his power can still be tapped into. Vhaeraun's now still seeks his mother Lolth, in the hopes that despite all their disagreements, he can maybe find purpose once again under her web.

Divine Domains

Trickery, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Black mask with blue glasses inset over eyes

Tenets of Faith

  • Never be seen
  • Never be caught
  • Men and women are equal
  • Do not let the surface dwellers have any command over you
  • Burn away the surface world
Divine Classification
Current Status
It is said he has gone on a mission to find and free his mother, Lolth