Zadotl, Goddess of Death, Afterlife, and Darkness

The Pale Queen, She who takes life, The Shadow of Death

Zadotl is the Elven Goddess of Death, Darkness, and the Afterlife. She maintains the realm of souls, that which when an elf dies they inhabit. It is said the very wicked are sent to the worst parts of the realm of souls, while the ones who have lived good lives are left to wander in the realm of souls. She is prayed to during a funeral and over the dead of a battlefield that their souls may be judged and she judge them fairly. It is said when one is close to battle, the Pale Queens gazeĀ  shifts to them and they can hear the Pale Queen sing a siren like song, tempting them to simply embrace their end.

Divine Domains

Death, Grave

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Skull with a veil over it, lined with black flowers on the forehead

Tenets of Faith

  • Hate the undead, for they deny Zadotl her bounty
  • Do not fear death, for it is a natural part of life
  • Do not disappoint Zadotl, for she shall punish the living that disappoint her with death
  • Resist the ways of necromancy
Divine Classification