Bone Collector

Followers of the Bone Collector believe that the god arose from the first maddened soul to die a pointless death. It is written that since that time, every mortal that dies in the same meaningless way is destined to be collected by the Bone Collector after death.

The Bone Collector is portrayed in a variety of forms. He may appear as an idiot or dolt, a hideously wrinkled old man, a scabby beggar, or even as a beautiful maiden. He employs only wooden weapons, usually a staff. He is a formidable purveyor of curses and magical aging, and has a gaze that can cause sleep. He is also the power of insanity; many debate whether his appearance and whims are truly random or just madness. He shuns other powers, although he does not seem hateful towards them. He maintains that 
Victims of misfortune may try to placate the Bone Collector; gamblers invoke him; those in peril beseech him; those planning speculative, high-risk adventurers will make offerings to him. 

Divine Domains

The Bone Collector is one of the Death Gods and is primarily the god of Misfortune and Insanity. Clerics devoted to the Bone Collector have access to the Fate, Trickery and Death Domains.

Tenets of Faith

The Bone Collector speaks of embracing misfortune, for within it, one grows stronger. Death is always near, and the Collector is around every corner. Fear is pointless, grief is normal.
Divine Classification


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