Faceless Men

The Faceless Men are a guild of assassins based in the Northern Nomani islands, though their members range far and wide across Terusha. They command exorbitant fees, but have a reputation for success that is unparalleled by any comparable organization.
The cost increases relative to the importance of the target and the difficulty of the objective. It is said that hiring a Faceless Man to kill the Emperor would cost more than it would to hire an entire army. Further, the Faceless Men will reject a contract if killing the target clashes with their strange, and at times inscrutable, religious beliefs. Conversely, sometimes they choose bizarre "payments" according to what they feel is due. Sometimes, if a powerful lord asks them to kill the child of one of his enemies, the Faceless Men give as their "price" that in return they will kill the lord's own child (the lord can reject this, but it also means rejecting the entire contract).
Their fee is for a precise assassination, and the death of anyone other than the intended target is avoided whenever possible. They usually go so far as to try to make their assassinations look like accidents, adding to the mystery surrounding their order.


The Faceless Men are a cult of religious assassins that worship The Final Word, and they believe that death is a merciful end to suffering. For a price, they will grant the "gift" of death to anyone in the world, considering the assassination a sacrament to their god. In their temple - the House of Black and White - those who seek an end to suffering may drink poisoned water which grants a painless death.
Killing for personal gain or out of anger or hate are forbidden to Faceless Men.
As the Faceless Men forsake their identities in the service of the Final Word, they only assassinate targets they have been hired to kill and may not choose who is worthy of the 'gift' by themselves.

All men must serve. Faceless Men most of all.

Guild, Assassins
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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