Grand Sage

It is believed the Grand Sage was once known as the Overlord, sworn enemy of The Eight. Others maintain that the Grand Sage heard the collective outrage of Terushas hatred of magic, and responded. The truth is unknown, but his presence is a polarizing one.
The Grand Sage is usually portrayed as a middle aged man with white hair who wears blue robes decorated with golden runes. He is described as carrying the very first staff of the magi with him at all times. In addition, he knows every spell ever created and can travel to any time and dimension. He is the possessor of the only magical library that contains a copy of every potion, spell, and magic item in existence. He rarely has any desire to interfere with events occurring upon the Prime Material. 
All times and places are open to the Grand Sage, and he has visited many alternate realities and planes unknown to the wisest of sages, places even the Elder Evils avoid.

Divine Domains

The Grand Sage is the God of Judgement, Magic and Knowledge.


The Rod of Reversal looks like a length of unbending steel chain. It reflects spells cast on its wielder. • The Blessed Book is a thousand-page tome that allows spells to be inscribed into it without the usual costs. • The Tome of Ancient Lore was allegedly written by the Sage himself and stolen from his Library of Lore. It is said to contain every spell that will ever be conceived, but the index is deliberately difficult to use. • Darvax's Staff was owned by an Oeridian wizard at the Old Empire's height. Darvax disappeared on his 40th birthday on an expedition to other planes of existence, but his staff - carved from the thighbone of a black dragon and topped with an adamantine symbol of the Grand Sage- is occasionally seen in the hands of powerful mages to this day. • The Razor Bands of the Archmage is a steel orb that rotates around its owner's head like an ioun stone. It can be ordered to attack like the Iron Bands of Bilarro. • The Sphere of Time Scrying is a blue-hued crystal ball that seems to have been made using the wizardry of the ancient Suloise. It can be used to divine the past.

Holy Books & Codes

The Eternal Book is a the collected sum of all knowledge obtained by his followers, thus, every document ever written by followers of the Grand Sage are part of the Eternal Book.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

In the days since the persecution of the Empire: Book symbols and blind-eye symbols

Tenets of Faith

The accumulation of knowledge is paramount to the Grand Sage. His followers differ on whether to share or hoard the knowledge. However, all of them believe that they are the only ones who should have such knowledge... lest someone use the knowledge for dangerous means.


Celestial Conjunctions. As many clerics of Boccob are astrologers, profound conjunctions of the stars, moons, and Wanderers are observed by the church with the uttering of prophecies and other various complex ceremonies. • Great Discovery. Celebrated early in the year, this holiday honors the magical discoveries made in the previous year. Every five years, the holiday is expanded to include testing for magical talent and expeditions to rediscover lost lore. • The Last Rite of the Prophet. When a powerful cleric or other devotee of Boccob dies, a somber eulogy is held (as was done for Riggby recently). In addition, some of the magical power is drawn from the corpse to empower a magic item.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Grand Sage seeks to delve deeper and deeper into the knowledge of the world.
Divine Classification


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