Light Weavers

Every nation has a spy network, most spy networks involve paying a maid or a servant in another lord's home or intercepting a raven from the their keep or some of the better spies use magical scrying. The Ilvians , however, have the greatest spy network on Terusha.
What started as the private group employed by the Earl of Shadows, blossomed into a massive network of spies that stretches into every court in Terusha.

Run by the enigmatic Spymaster Varatha Auris, the Weavers of Light keep the Grand Host informed of the goings on of the world. They are the Ilvin King's secret weapon. There is some conjecture about their exact nature, with some believing they are rogues, others that they are particularly skilled illusionists, others say that they are shapeshifters. In truth, all of these are true to a degree.


The Shrouds are run by the Spymaster, who controls all operations across Terusha. Each Agent operates on their own or in pairs until the must be extracted, their mission is completed, or backup is required. Each Agent is a talented illusionist
Information Network
Alternative Names
Shrouds, Gray Cloak,
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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