Order of Fangs

The Order of Fangs is considered the most sacred and prestigious among the Way of Beasts. The Fangs operate as bodyguards, sentries and the muscle of the Way. They are devoted to defending the shaman of the Way.


Advancement through the ranks of the Fangs are determined by devotion, loyalty and service. Those of Master rank or higher are granted lycanthropy of their choice. Unlike typical lycanthropes, the shifting is done at will and the creature loses none of its personality when it has shifted. Should any of these lycans leave their service to the Way, they lose their control over their alternate form.  
Rank Honorific Insignia
Marshall Marshall Gold Pin (Tree)
Master Master Silver Pin (Eye)
Warden Warden Brass Pin (Shiled)


The Fangs are the final line of defense against the encroaching Empire. Their sole purpose is to defend the communities and shaman of the Way.
Religious, Holy Order
Training Level


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