Order of the Bladed Bow

When the the Reach and the Hillers came to the Eternal Forests, they couldn't get beyond the Rowan Reservoir. As they retreated, they were pursued into the lands of Cairn. In the following years, the 31 Lords of Cairn each found a member of their house impaled by arrows on their door. The message became clear: Do Not Invade Elven Territory Again. 
Naturally, there was pursuit. Those who survived the encounter told tales of horror and fear, as arrows found every hole in their barriers, wood devils that snuck into their rooms at night, arrows that pinned their clothing and armor to the wall as their friends died. Tales of the horror of the wood elves spread quickly. And it was quickly decided upon that the Wood Elves were to be sequestered and ignored in their "rotten" forests.
And so, the Order of the Bladed Bow returned to the Eternal Forests, with their mission complete.

  The Spring and Summer Elves are known for their archers, but the members of the Bladed Bow are the uncontested masters of archery. It has been said that two members of the Bladed Bow, each taking one shot, can pin the wing of a fly to the wall without killing the fly.
They have infused magic into their bows, arrows and armor. Any who should enter the Springwood or the Evergreen without permission, it is likely that the first elves the intruders will meet will be at the Order of the Bladed Bow and if the Elven nation requires a mission outside of their borders, the Bladed Bow is called upon.
The Order derives its name from their specialized bow that they can use as a bow or in close combat. These bows are considered highly valued and none but the Order may possess them. Should they find an outsider with the bow, they must answer for it immediately or die painfully.


There are two brotherhoods of the Bladed Bow that share a friendly rivalry and competition. The Quickstrike  chapter operates out of Stormstep and the Heartsflame chapter operates out of Summerglade. Both report to Grandmaster Daniella Moonstar, though each chapter has its own Master. Most members of the Order are called Wardens, who train Squires. Some squires do not continue their training and never receive their Bow. They may, however, pursue their own ends with no animosity from the Order.
Rank Honorific Insignia
Grandmaster Grandmaster
Master Master Golden Armor
Warden Warden Bladed Bow

One Arrow; Two Dead.

Military, Special Operations Force
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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