Order of the Copper Hook

For over 200 years, Tevmor, the Copper Hills has been attempting to create a Navy. Since its founding, Tevmor has been the subject of raids from the Nomani and Andal raiders, forcing the Copper Dwarves to remain increasingly insular. This worked for a while, until the raiders began journeying up the Copper River and raiding settlements. However, 204 years ago, when House Drumm raided the First Rock and killed the Copper King's two eldest sons. The crown tasked House Dragmond with the creation of a Navy with the soul intention of defending the waters and shore lines of the Copper Hills.
Great Lord Yurgur Dragmond - father of the current Great Lady of Great Hall - made the creation of the Copper Navy his life's work; the Great Lord saw his ships repeatedly burned or taken, it led him to an early grave, as he took up his Trident- the Copper Hook - and attempted to defend one of his ships... only to be killed in defense of the ship, with Copper Hook being taken by Lord Drumm as a trophy. His daughter, a known adventurer, recruited some of her friends and pursued the raiders back to The Drumm. She plotted with the Lord's brother and executed the Lord with the Copper Hook, and left Old Wyk with a simple message for the Nomani: "Take from us at your own risk. And we'll take it back."
Upon returning to the Copper Hills, the Great Lady decided to form the Order of the Copper Hook: a response to the raids.
A small fleet protects the coastline of the Copper Hills and the mouth of the Copper River, however, five ships are under the specific purview of the Order of the Copper Hook. On occasion, a particularly valuable ship is seized and the Order of the Copper Hook is dispatched to get it back. It is unknown how, but the Hook has never failed to retrieve a quarry and the Nomani actively fear seeing the flag of the Copper Hook.


Promotion beyond the rank of lance corporal is primarily based upon time in service, time in grade (rank) and level of performance. The Copper Hook cannot captain a ship, however they are a military unit and they must have a chain of command.
Rank Insignia
Copper General Crossed Hooks and Skull
Colonel Crossed Hooks and Skull
Captain Crossed Hooks
Lieutenant One Hook
Sergeant Bar
Recruit None


When not pursuing a raider, the Hook is a delightful joy of brotherhood. However, they tend towards martyrdom and fatalism as the fatality rate among recruits is high.

Take from us at your own risk.

Military, Marine Corps Division
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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