Prismatic Guard

Commonly referred to as the Queensguard, or the Knights of Seasons, the Prismatic Guard consists of the greatest fighters in the Eryniavas. They are a small order, but what they lack in numbers they make up for in loyalty. Each knight serves a different smaller order, and is trained by the eldest knight to replace them.

Red Knights: Known for their rage in battle. Often barbarians.
Orange Knights: The most loyal of the guard. The loss of their allies can result in terrible consequences. Often rogues
Yellow Knights: The most terrifying of the guard, often heralds when they are dispatched. Often rangers.
Green Knights: The core of the guard. They are willful and tenacious. Often Fighters.
Blue Knights: The heart of the guard. They are optimists and healers. Often paladins.
Indigo Knights: The priests and diplomats of the guard. They rarely fight and instead find other ways to overcome obstacles. Often clerics
Violet Knights: Those who keep the guard together. They are often peacemakers. Often monks.


Each member serves 100 years on a rotating 25-year schedule. At most, there are 28 members of the Guard, four for each color. A senior member, a junior member, a bachelor member and a novice member, affectionately called rookies.
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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