The Eye

The Eye normally appears as a hulking, 10 foot tall orc covered in battle scars and clad in a black, gleaming suit of plate mail armor. His tough, gray hide was corded with muscle, and on his one-eyed face was a bear-like snout. In some incarnations he had only a right eye and an empty left eye socket, while in others he simply had one large, cycloptic eye that stared unwinking in the center of his forehead.

Divine Domains

Clerics of The Eye have access to the War and Arcana domains.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Unsurprisingly, Eye symbols are quite common.

Tenets of Faith

The Eye teaches his followers that the strong are meant to rule and the weak are meant to be crushed, their flesh rent and their blood spilled, their bodies killed or enslaved, because purging the world of weakness is what is best for all. Slavery is usually only a brief reprieve before death. Runts and cripples are more than just a burden on society, but a sign of The Eye's disfavor, marked by their weakness for elimination. That which does not kill an orc only makes them stronger. Non-evil followers of The Eye take a more moderate approach. They do not automatically kill or enslave non-orcs, and even dwarves and elves may be spared if they are not automatically hostile. They do, however, seek to prove orcish superiority at every opportunity through contests of strength and martial skill.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Eye seeks to restore orcs to their place in Terusha, by tearing apart the "civilized" world and replacing it with orcs.


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