The Masks

Masks are the graduates of Blackcliff Academy . They are named for their most prominent feature, the eerie silver masks that cover their faces from forehead to jaw. These masks have fused to the faces of the soldiers. They fight with speed and skills that is almost inhuman. Tevian children destined for Maskhood are taken from their families at the age of six, and trained at Blackcliff Military Academy for fourteen years.
The Augurs give Blackcliff students their mask when they become Cadets at fourteen. Over time and the more they wear them, the masks dissolve into the person's face like liquid silver.

  Masks are known for using poison, crossbows and scimitars, though they are deadly with most blades.


Once Masks have graduated, they are equal in rank. Though there is constant jockeying for good placement - the higher the noble, the more prestige they achieve. Masks are all subservient to the Commandant, who is the head of Blackcliff Academy. While the Masks are on assignment, they are considered above the rank of general and an extension of the Prince. They must obey the commands of the local baron, duke or count, unless superceded by the Prince or the royal family. Most lords fear a Mask in their city as history is littered with tales of Masks being used by the Prince to remove troublesome lords.


Potential candidates are placed at Blackcliff Academy at the age of six. Candidates are typically bastards, orphans, slaves and other cast offs. Though a rare noble finds their ways into the ranks - though never at six years old. 
The Masks are trained in cruel, torturous ways. They are left in the wild to fight their way back, thrown in pits of vipers where they must sacrifice friends to survive, Their training academy, Blackcliff Academy, was established by the Prince of Tev about three hundred years ago, and the Academy is known to be an impenetrable fortress. No one is to enter Blackcliff unless authorized, nor shall they leave.
The students learn everything at Blackcliff from imperial ideology to the art of war to actual combat. Upon graduation, students are placed into service for Tev. Students train at Blackcliff for fourteen years. Blackcliff is loved by loyal subjects of Tev, and hated by dissidents.
Many recruits die, especially during the wilderness survival stage of training. It is an incredibly harsh military academy where recruits are put through years upon years of intense physical and mental training with the sole purpose of turning them into ruthless killing machines. The most common lessons are: obey, conform, and keep your mouth shut. The students are forced to cheer when their fellow students are punished.
Other Masks are constantly scheming against each other in an attempt to gain favor with the instructors. They are vicious and cruel, though fiercely loyal to each other. Masks revel in inflicting terror and have a highly developed sense of honor. To challenge a mask, or to insult one - intentional or not - is a death sentence.

"Duty First, Unto Death"

Military Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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