The Seekers

The Seekers are gatherers of knowledge, treasure hunters, sea farers, map makers, and travelers. The Seekers believe in mystery and exploration. If asked, they will say they explore for the sheer love of exploring, but internally, they are looking for something specific. Though only the leaders, the Stargazers, know what that might be.
  The Seekers are known among civilized lands as troublemakers as they have a nomadic existence, and any stranger is considered unwelcome. It does not help that the Seekers have no qualms about stealing, blackmailing or intimidating their way across Terusha.


There are only three ranks among the Seekers and there are no formal meetings. The Stargazers are the most powerful, Wayfarers are committed members of the order, and Travelers are introductory members. The Seekers have a secret language they mark signs and roads to denote whether there is safety and food, or persecution, or a location that bears further investigation. The occasional shrine on the side of the road as offerings to the Far Wanderer for safe travel and to mark good campsites.

Divine Origins

After the Fall, the Nemesian began traveling an unknown road to find a new home. While an overwhelming majority prayed to the Eight, a few began to turn to see a gray traveler appearing in the camps, telling tales of distant lands where the air wasn’t poisoned, and babies wouldn’t be stillborn.
One of these few was grand astrologer of the Emperor. She directed Emperor Primus to travel to the land that would become Dragon’s Rest. Shortly after this, the Nemisians traveled across Terusha, and when all the borders of the land had been found, they delved into forests, caves, oceans and islands using the stars to guide them and their love of the unknown to drive them further.

Tenets of Faith

The primary tenet of faith of the Far Wanderer is exploration, in all its forms. Seekers also maintain a deep appreciation for the rule of hospitality.
Further tenets involve: Nothing is permanent. Thus, followers should make sure that change helps them and hinders their rivals.
Cunning plans and intricate deceptions are the most effective weapons, for mortal minds can be predicted and easily manipulated.
Change strengthens people and chaos pushes evolution.

  In addition, the faith of the Traveler promotes careful planning and adopting a subtle approach, as well as change in any form.


It is considered rude to the point of sinful to resist offered hospitality, or not to offer hospitality. The Seekers will often deliver letters, or packages across kingdoms, and will trade secrets if it benefits them. Seekers are also encouraged, though not required, to benefit the communities they pass through.


Seeker priests do not have any insignia to denote their sign of office.

Granted Divine Powers

The Seekers may have access to the Knowledge, Trickery or Travel domains.

Bring Me That Horizon

Religious, Other
Common Sayings:
  • Bring Me That Horizon
  • When All is Darkness, Look to Him
Colors: None. Though black or white are common.


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