Will Shapers

Where is your passion?! Your rage! Your love! And hate! And curiosity and grief and fear? Gods be damned, people, what are you even living for? How can you call yourselves alive? I’d rather be burned and flayed alive than join your bland, mediocre, commitment-lacking ranks. Great gods... Where is your passion?!” ~Arrol Pryde, First Will Shaper, stated to the Council of Elders of the Eight-Pointed Star.
In the fits of passion, some say, one feels the touch of the First Love. Whether in the depths of ecstatic sexual congress, or the blackest of rages or the most side-aching fits of laughter, the First Love is there. While the Maiden promotes a rather bland view of sex and marriage, the Velvet Embrace encourages a wild, passionate approach to life.
Clerics of the First Love also seek to bring beauty to the world in many forms, all of which are pleasing to the senses. They create great works of art, become patrons for promising actors, and import exotic luxuries like satin and fine wines. Her followers also enjoy looking beautiful, and hearing tales of romance. The stories range from star-crossed love, true love overcoming all else, and, as always, to following one's heart.
Joining the church is known as the Velvet Embrace.


There is little organization the Velvet Embrace, more like a loose network of like-minded people. The First Love bestows rank and titles to her followers, some say with erotic connotations.
Upon joining the “church,” one gains the rank of initiate, this rank persists mostly to learn about the church and its beliefs. Once the initiate demonstrates an understanding of Passion, the First Love grants them the title of Rake. These Rakes are highly skilled seducers, and often work as spies, charmers, and brothel workers. Upon mastering the level of Rake, one advances to the title of Courtesan – a master of passion. The highest rank is a Heartwarder; Master Seducer, Spy Master and Liver of Life.
Title Honorific
Heartwarder Most Lovely
Courtesan Master
Rake Rake
Initiate Initiate

Divine Origins

The Will Shapers are an offshoot of the devotees of the Maiden. It’s origins date back to the beginning of the Age of Faith and has existed within the Empire and various other nations.

Tenets of Faith

Willshapers are passionate. If one is to love, then love deeply. If one is to hate, hate with a fire. They believe the denial of passion is a fate worse than death. They believe only through experiencing life can they heal from their pasts.
True to its name, the Velvet Embrace welcomes all and exclude none, not even those who persecute them. They believe life is precious and should be shared, valued, and experienced. Willshapers are highly invested in mental health, which is all but ignored by most of Terusha.
The difficulty in life lies in enforcing your own will upon your passions, so as not to let your passions overrun you while allowing them to flow forth.
PASSION - If one is to love, then love deeply. If one is to hate, hate with a fire. The denial of passion is a fate worse than death. Only through experiencing life can anyone heal from their pasts.
ACCEPTANCE - All are welcome.

The only true sin of the Embrace is impeding another’s life. So, while violence is common in passion, harming another is distasteful and considered a violation of the First Love. The only exception is the friendly gladiator pits Willshapers occasionally sponsor. Marriage and sex are considered holy, festive affairs.


Temples of the First Love usually hold social salons and display mirrors for use by lay parishioners. Some of them even have public baths for the local populace. Her shrines often stand on the corner of busy city streets beyond the Empire. They have a small ornate overhanging roof with a mirror underneath. They can be used to check one's appearance while honoring the First Love with prayer. Some shrines even hold perfume and cosmetic items for those who cannot afford such luxuries themselves.

Granted Divine Powers

The clergy of the Velvet Embrace may take the Life or Love domains.

Love is the Best Thing We Do

Colors: Purple and Red.
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Velvet Embrace
Common Sayings: 
  • Love is the Best Thing We Do
  • We Must Learn to Love and to Be Loved
  • Love Conquers All


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