
Anjagh is the third planet from the star Arzha, and one of two habitable worlds within the Enakki star system. The surface of Anjagh has the ability to sustain liquid water, with ocean water covering roughly 30% of the surface. Most of all other water is retained in the groundwater and atmosphere, with some frozen in the polar regions or found in sparse rivers. The other 70% of Anjagh's surface is land, which is mainly composed of arid biomes such as grasslands, savannas, and deserts.


Anjagh is a hot and arid world, due in part to its closer than average orbit to R̀un. Much of the interior of the world's continents are dry and windy, resulting in deserts with large dune fields or windswept grasslands in areas with more rainfall. The coastal areas of Anjagh are typically more lush, as rainstorms are more likely to be blown in from the seas.

Fauna & Flora

Due to the arid climate in the interior of Anjagh's continents, the majority of life on land is concentrated along the shores of these continents. Along these shores, halophytes are common, such as ndesiaa (ⁿdeˈsiaː) or sîyk (sɨjk).


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