Finbed Hammersmith

Finbed Hammersmith

Born into a lineage of skilled craftsmen, Findbed's passion for the forge burned as brightly as the fires he tended. But what set him apart from his siblings and peers was not just his skill with metal, but his unwavering belief in personal freedom and autonomy that he got from his grandfather.   Raised in a kingdom where individual liberties were often suppressed by the ruling monarch, Finbed rebelled against the oppressive regime from an early age seeing how his father bent the knee to every impossible demand by his Eternal monarch Lirilvo. He saw the injustice wrought upon the common folk and witnessed firsthand the stifling of creativity and innovation in the name of centralized control. Why would they consult need to make the same size equipment and armor when everyone was so different? Determined to forge a path of his own, Finbed embraced the principles of libertarianism, advocating for limited government intervention and championing the rights of the individual.
Current Location
Serpents Pass Village
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