
Leoros (a.k.a. Leo)

Leoros   Backstory:   In the sprawling city of Elandria, where the surface world and the Underdark brushed against each other, there lived a unique soul named Leoros. Born to a forbidden love between a drow named Zirael and a human bard named Serah, Leoros was destined for a life of complexity and challenges.   Serah, a talented musician and storyteller, raised Leoros on the surface. She instilled in him a deep love for the arts and the magic that music and words could weave. Despite the shadows of his drow heritage, Leoros grew up embracing the light that Serah brought into his life. His nimble fingers danced on the strings of the lute, and his voice resonated with the tales spun by his mother.   However, as Leoros approached adulthood, he felt an unexplainable pull toward the depths of the Underdark. Serah, though worried for her son's safety, recognized the importance of him understanding his drow roots. Reluctantly, she shared tales of Zirael, his father, and the mysterious and perilous world of the Underdark. That evening Serah died from a sickness she had kept from Leoros.   Driven by a desire to uncover the truth about his heritage, Leoros journeyed into the Dark Depths. The Underdark proved to be a harsh and unforgiving place for a surface-dwelling bard, but Leo’s determination and the skills his mother had bestowed upon him carried him through.   As he ventured deeper, Leo encountered the complex society of the drow. His arrival stirred whispers and curiosity among the dark elves, for he carried the grace of a drow and the warmth of a surface-dweller. Zirael, upon learning of his son's presence, summoned Leo to his home in the city.   Under the watchful eyes of his drow kin, Leo continued to hone his bardic talents. He merged the two worlds, crafting melodies that echoed both the haunting beauty of the Underdark and the vibrant tales of the surface. In time, his music became a bridge between two worlds, fostering a fragile understanding between the surface and the depths below. Father and son met beneath the cavernous ceilings of the Underdark, their differences stark yet somehow harmonious. Zirael, a stern and powerful drow warrior saw a glimmer of his human love in Leo’s eyes. The young bard, in turn, felt the weight of his drow lineage but remained true to the lessons Serah had imparted.   Leo’s journey, marked by the melodies of unity, showcased the transformative power of music and the unbreakable bonds between seemingly incompatible worlds.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Personality Characteristics


Big Booty Hoes
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Akio, Fey, Jotun
Ruled Locations

Curves of Curiosity

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