Oleg Leveton 2

Oleg Leveton is the owner of Oleg's Trading Post, a remote general store in the southern edges of Rostland. He lives there with his wife Svetlana.   Oleg is a man with a no-nonsense attitude and fierce pride. Were it not for the fact that he fears for his Svetlana safety, he would have doubtless sacrificed his life to the bandits in a foolish attempt to defend his stock when they first paid a visit three months ago.   Before the defender arvial at serpants pass, he was being forced each month to hand over his inventory to the bandits shames him, but he masks his shame with gruffness and stubborn determination. His wife Svetlana knows she’s the reason he hasn’t stood up to the bandits, and she also knows how much the situation pains him: that act of humility is crushing his soul. She’s pleaded with him several times to abandon the post and return to Restov, but Oleg has stubbornly refused defeat. His sole concession to Svetlana’s wishes has been to send requests to the city for reinforcements whenever a trapper or hunter stops by on their way back to civilization. He recently received word back that a group of guards is coming to aid him, but no sign of such protection has yet arrived, and the bandits are due to make their monthly visit to the trading post. The PCs’ arrival gives Oleg his first real chance to stand up to the bandits.


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