
Otaria (listed as Numeria) is located to the northwest on Blood Moor. This is a known larger kingdom filled by Eternals in Bla-ka-Kun to do the experiments that they can do on the mainland. Primarily this area is more a barren, harsh land inhabited by tribes of savage barbarians and corrupted by the strange energies emitted by the leylines on Blood Moor. Its also known that there are great mines that dig below to find technological relics buried deep in the land     Government and foreign relations Otaria is once again ruled by the Black Sovereign of Bla-Ka-Kun, he put in his place an easily controllable, formerly drug-addicted despot who resides within his capital of Starfall. His control of the nation is spotty at best following decades of neglect aplotictiye anarchy. Otaria is also too vast and harsh of a country to rule effectively with an iron fist. The people of Otaria are fiercely independent and prefer to avoid the gaze of their tyrannical ruler and continue making their own decisions, as they have for millennia. Relations with foreign governments, which under the rule of the Technic League were terribly disorganized, have completely collapsed now that the Black Sovereign is once again in charge.   Economy Otaria is a land of few natural resources and arable land as it contains large, windswept plains and few forests of any size. Its primary imports, therefore, are foodstuffs along with alcohol and jewelry. It is, however, the largest exporter of skymetals in the Inner Sea region. These seven rare metals were part of the alien object that that crashed on Otaria's plains during the Skyfall. They each have their own distinct properties and are useful in the construction of weapons and various magical artifacts. Of the seven, adamantine is the most common and known throughout the region as "Otarian steel". Other alien artifacts common to Otaria are silverdisks: small, etched metallic disks frequently used as currency.   Other Otaria exports include the hides and teeth of its unusual native creatures, with the occasional live specimen as well.   Ancient export of veinstone In ancient times, the tribes of Otaria exported a type of light-green rock rippled with dark-green fissures known as veinstone. This stone was a particularly popular building material in Ancient Floating city, and the Four Pharaohs of Ascension constructed their true pyramid from it.   Influence of the Mendevian Crusades The Mendevian Crusades once provided an additional lucrative source of income for the nation, as the Sellen River was the main artery for holy warriors traveling to Mendev from the south. The route to the region was known as the River Road. It began in the Inner Sea and followed the many tangled branches of the Sellen and West Sellen Rivers to the Numerian harbor city of Chesed on the Lake of Mists and Veils. Even though the crusades brought strange faces and foreign ideas to Numeria, the Black Sovereign and the Technic League welcomed them with open arms while overcharging them for even basic necessities to make sure that they left with little more than their fervent faith to battle the Demonic Hordes of the Worldwound. 5   Inhabitants   The land of Otaria is not for the faint-of-heart. Above, a Kellid barbarian battles an annihilator robot. Otaria is a harsh, often brutal land that raises hard, often brutal people. The land's primary inhabitants are humans of Kellid stock who, outside of the large cities like Starfall and Chesed, organise themselves into tribes. While in theory these tribes all owe fealty to the Black Sovereign, outside of Otaria's big settlements and beyond the reach of his armies, life continues much as it has for eons.   Raiding is still a popular and lucrative lifestyle, especially into the poorly organized River Kingdoms, although those lands are not defenseless:   River pirates often travel up the Sellen* and West Sellen* Rivers to attack Otariain settlements before quickly retreating back south.   Androids Like the gearsmen, the sentient, humanoid androids are created, not born. Unlike the gearsmen, they could almost be mistaken for humans if not for the glowing runes and circuits criss-crossing their bodies, or their awkward, stilted mannerisms that make it difficult to relate to others. They are a relatively new people who recently began emerging from the scattered alien ruins of Otaria.     Gearsmen One of the more unusual inhabitants of Otaria are doubtlessly the gearsmen who once patrolled the streets of Starfall previously under the control of the Technic League.   Kasathas The kasathas are a species of tribal nomads from the distant lands from the west. Thy came to Bloodmoor olarion during Divinity of Tassia. Most of them continue to live in Otaria.   Ysoki Ratfolk, or ysoki as they are known amongst themselves, live across Otaria and revel in the innovating using the alien technology they discover. These ysoki are known as Otaira Tinkerers, and they trade their technological wares and innovative know-how in marketplaces across Otaria. The ysoki have a de facto capital of their own in the settlement of Chitterhome, but few outsiders have ever been allowed to visit.     Other ancestries Ru-shi dhampir vagabonds from Tian Xia are occasionally drawn to Numeria's technological wonders.     Open deposits of skymetals have given rise to large communities of talos geniekin, distinguished by their adamantine-colored hair or noqual-hued eyes.     Culture Because of their long exposure to the manipulations of the Technic League, many Numerians who live outside of the major cities are wary and superstitious of both technology and magic.   Religion Ancient gods such as Gorum and Desna remain popular in much of Numeria, while Nethys was a favorite among the mages of the Technic League. Brigh, the goddess of invention, also has many followers, including a chapel within the chaotic Scrapwall, which also hosts a cult-like gang known as the Lords of Rust who worship a little-known god named Hellion. There is some worship of Abadar, mostly in the larger cities. Erastil has many followers, and the people of Iadenveigh are particularly dedicated to him.   Even newer gods like Iomedae have begun to make inroads in the last century thanks to the increasing presence of Mendevian Crusaders.   Since the opening of the Worldwound, demonic cults have grown in popularity as well, particularly those of the demon lords Deskari   and Baphomet.   Numeria's most recent divine arrival is the artificial intelligence known as Casandalee, whose apotheosis only occurred in 1407d.     Death and burial While Starfall's inhabitants bury or cremate their dead much as those of most other cities, more rural stretches of the country follow older customs. Villagers may leave bodies out for scavenging animals to flense, bury their dead in soft soil, or construct deep barrows or build tombs in deep caverns. Loved ones leave keepsakes and tokens with the remains and maintain the deceased's memories through artwork, storytelling, or historical stone cairns.


Otaria spans a vast, barren expanse northwest of Blood Moor, characterized by its rugged and unforgiving terrain. The landscape is dominated by rolling hills and rocky outcrops, interspersed with deep ravines and dry riverbeds that carve through the land. With an immense dry lake that will yearly fill and turn frozen or slush like. Sparse vegetation clings tenaciously to the rocky soil, adapted to endure the harsh salty climate of extremes. Patches of hardy shrubs and twisted, wind-battered trees dot the landscape, providing minimal shelter and sustenance for the wildlife and the tribes that call this region home.   Throughout Otaria, the ground is littered with remnants of ancient ruins and partially buried skymetal fragments. These relics, remnants of a bygone era, shimmer faintly with residual energies, contributing to the mystical aura that permeates the land. Leylines yet subtle, can be felt pulsating energy across the terrain, marking pathways where the skymetal's influence is strongest.   Great mines, dug into the rugged hillsides and valleys, penetrate deep into the earth in search of untouched veins of skymetals and buried technological artifacts. These mines are perilous, their depths echoing with whispers of forgotten civilizations and guarded by the unpredictable energies still emanating from the relics.   At night, the skies over Otaria are clear and expansive, offering a view of distant constellations and the occasional shimmering aurora caused by the interaction of leyline energies with the atmosphere. The climate is harsh and unpredictable, with scorching summers and bitterly cold winters, challenging both flora and fauna to adapt or perish.   Otaria's geography reflects a landscape shaped by an ancient cataclysm and ongoing other geological upheavals, where the rugged beauty conceals untold mysteries and dangers awaiting those who venture into its depths.   Geography. Otaria is a harsh land of windswept plains and, while nearly devoid of valuable trade resources, the land possesses its own harsh, rugged beauty. Despite this beauty, the land is naturally barren and only the strong live to survive, and much of it remains irradiated.   The land has few large, geographical features: the biggest is the vast Lake of Mists and Veils that forms its northeastern border. The southern region also contains the northern headwaters of that eventually make their way into the River Kingdoms and is also crossed by the Sellen River, which eventually empties into the Inner Sea. To its west lies what is only known as the endless sea to its northwest the frozen wasteland of the Bergs, and to the south the eternal war and turbulence of theStolen Lands. The only (somewhat) stable nations on Numeria's borders are the kingdom of Brevoy controlled by the Eternal Aldoria to the east.


Fauna Numeria is home to a wide range of fauna, both fantastical and mundane. These include aurumvoraxes, bison (in the north), hydras, pseudodragons, river elk, and wendigos
Government and foreign relations Geography Fauna Economy


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