Rulers of the rulers

Rulers of the Rulers: Some Eternals are said to be older than others. These individuals have the absolute power to rule over all other Eternals. These eight Eternals have different regions of the world that are under their care. These eight are commonly called “The Council ''. Tassia Clanvor sits as the head of At The Council. Known throughout the world as being the oldest Eternal and being she is considered a god by the subjects of Tesslult. Even other Eternals consider her a god.
  “The Judgment of Tassia for Stealing the Farrie Queen Vawna’s wings and mounting them to Herself becoming absolute law over all Eternals.” - Law 1 in the book on trial law.
  Tassia is regarded across the land of Tessluste as being the supreme eternal. All divine magic is said to originate from her and go through a religious caster via the leylines delivering that divine magic.


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