
Many islands of the Great Islands had their ports and nations destroyed in the Fourth Age, The Calamity. This allowed newcomers to find a home for themselves. The ports told a story of a captain, that lost his ship and treasure in the coasts of Otla Island. Many sailors would unwittingly go there and get caught in a trap by a group of pirates called the Archolites, who were comprised of only Water Genasi. They used the island as their hideout and a way to conduct raids. The story about the captain would be used for a couple of generations, allowing the pirates to grow in strength over the years. However, instead of building an armada of ships, their leader Archol decided to reinvest the booty into the island as it was rich with resources. Over time a pirate captain became a governor of his own island. The word would be spread around the ports and many Water Genasi who heard the real stories decided to check it out. They were greeted with open arms if they wanted to join, thus increasing their number. Many non-genasi also joined the island. One century later, long after the pirate captain's death, his descendants now rule over a small island nation called Archotia. They say they are a free, independent nation, selling their goods and lease their ships as mercenary ships.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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