Carrion Crawler

Carrion crawlers are repulsive, monstrous aberrations known for their grotesque appearance and scavenging nature. Resembling a nightmarish blend of insect and worm, these creatures evoke a deep sense of revulsion in those who encounter them. Carrion crawlers typically measure around 5 to 8 feet in length and have a segmented body covered in slimy, mottled skin. Their numerous legs, usually between six to ten, protrude from the sides of their body and are equipped with sharp, hooked claws.
  The head of a carrion crawler is its most unsettling feature. It boasts a ring of tentacles, each lined with tiny, venomous spines, surrounding a tooth-filled maw. These tentacles are used primarily for sensing prey and delivering a paralyzing venom rather than for manipulation. The coloration of a carrion crawler's skin ranges from mottled gray and green to a sickly, pale yellow, which helps them blend into their surroundings while lurking in dark and fetid environments.


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