Celestial Mithril

Celestial Mithril comes in two varieties, the fiendish and the godling variety. The former uses a Celestials blood and skin to craft armor, granting evil alignment users properties guarding them against good alignment outsiders. The godling variety is made by Celestial smiths, who use their own blood in the process of making Mithril thus granting the armor the opposite properties from the fiendish one. There are restrictions. Those who are aligned with good can't wear the fiendish variety and those aligned with evil can't wear the godling variety. If a godling Celestial Mithril armor is worn by someone who isn't allowed to by the creator, the smith is notified telepathically about the user's location and identity.  


Items made from Celestial Mithril work the same as those from normal Mithril with notable exceptions. Weapons gain additional 1d6 radiant damage against Outsiders (Evil Outsiders for godling variant, Good Outsiders for fiendish variant).
Armors and shields gain a +1 AC bonus when attacked by Outsiders (Evil Outsiders for godling variant, Good Outsiders for fiendish variant).
There is no set price on items made from Celestial Mithril. The fiendish variant might fetch a minimum two times more than the Mithril variant of the same item.


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