Everchanging Limbo

Source Planes: Chaos

This plane is supreme chaos, a twisting, quicksilver place filled with bits and pieces of rocks, trees, the four elements, entire landscapes, strong winds, and random pockets of liquid, solid, or gas. Sentient beings can dampen down the chaos to livable levels and produce a safe environment as long as they maintained concentration. The size of a safe zone is directly related to the intelligence of the individual controller. Demigods and more powerful beings do not have this burden and indeed could create realms that survive even if they left Limbo. The most numerous creatures living in Limbo are the Slaadi. That are evolved or uplifted from the primordial soup of infinite potential, the belligerent batrachians are disorder given flesh and born carriers of chaos. Gith are known to visit Everchanging Limbo.
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