Fighter: Wyrmslayer

The story of great Wyrmslayers is yet another of glory turned into shame. In ages past, when Elder War was in it’s bloodiest period and elven lives were lost in hundreds by day, a small group of warrior rose to the challenge - turning the battle against mighty dragons from the solid ground into the skies themselves. In the peak of battle, they managed to not only chase after the mighty [name], son of Green Tyrant himself, but their leader - dealt a fatal blow, piercing the chest and heart of mighty green beast, turning the tide and causing once feared blackened wings to retreat in haste. And so did those who bested [Name] formed their weapons and armor of his carcass, becoming the first among many Wyrmslayers to come. The story diverge yet, for there were many dark rumors surrounding the source of heroes might - even hearing theories of them partaking in dragon’s flesh, blood and heart, if not consuming the spark of their soul itself. When the time of Elder Peace came, followed by forming of the Elder Pantheon, the hushed gossips turned into screams of disgust and protest, as the bloody Wyrmslayers were no longer needed. And so the mighty defenders of elven and other races, who devoted their life in their protection were shamed and chased away from their home. Most of them seemed to dissapear from the pages of history afterwards, with but few singular exceptions arriving at the moments of great need. But in the memory of old dragons they remained, the fearless enemies clad in the scale and skin of their brethren, ready to pierce their spirit with terror, before Wyrmslayer’s mighty spear find it’s way to their hearts.

Fighter: Wyrmslayer

hit dice: Same as Fighter
hit points at 1st level: Same as Fighter
hit points at higher levels: Same as Fighter
armor proficiencies: Same as Fighter
weapon proficiencies: Same as Fighter
tools: Same as Fighter
saving throws: Same as Fighter
skills: Same as Fighter
starting equipment:
class features:
Drake Leap At 3rd level, you gain advantage on all Strength (Athletics) checks made to jump when not wearing heavy armor. In addition, you are always considered to be making a running jump, even when you do not move prior to making a jump. As a bonus action, you can make a high jump as part of an attack action, a maneuver known as the Drake Leap. If your attack after this leap hits, you gain a +1d6 damage bonus, plus an additional +1d6 for every ten foot into the air you leap when striking with a polearm or spear. As part of the Drake Leap, if you strike an opponent, instead of inflicting the extra damage, you can attempt a shove attack to knock the target prone. If you choose the shove attack, you gain advantage on your Strength (Athletics) check. The damage from Drake Leap is dealt to target before character receives potential falling damage. You can leap a number of feet equal to your Strength score in feet as a running long jump, or 3 + your Strength modifier feet as a running high jump.   Wyrmslayer Training At 7th level, you gain either the Polearm Master, Spear Mastery or Great Weapon Master feat (choose one).   In addition, you gain advantage on saving throws against frightened condition, and gain immunity to frightened caused by dragons.   Fear no Distance At 10th level, you ignore the first 10 feet of falling damage. You also gain resistance to falling damage when not wearing heavy armor. In addition, if you suffer no damage from a fall, you automatically land on your feet. The amount of falling distance you can ignore increases to 15 feet at 15th level, and 20 feet at 20th level.   Terminal Velocity At 15th level, whenever you make a Drake Leap, your polearm or spear attacks deal critical hits on 19 and 20.   Heartpiercer Strike At 18th level, when not wearing heavy armor you may declare a Drake Leap an automatic critical hit. You can use this ability once per long rest. At 20th level, you can use this ability once per short rest.
subclass options: