
A genie is a majestic and powerful supernatural being that hails from the elemental planes, embodying the essence of air, earth, fire, or water. These ancient and enigmatic entities are known for their incredible magical abilities and their affiliation with the primordial forces of the universe.   Genies typically appear as tall, humanoid figures of extraordinary beauty and grace, radiating an otherworldly aura. Each type of genie is associated with one of the four classical elements:   Efreet (Fire Genie): Efreeti are beings of flames and heat. They have crimson or fiery orange skin, with hair resembling flickering flames. Their eyes are often fiery and intense, and they are often adorned with ornate, fiery clothing.   Djinn (Air Genie): Djinn are ethereal and insubstantial beings, often appearing as translucent figures composed of swirling air and mist. Their features are ever-changing, and they are known for their quick wit and capricious nature.   Marid (Water Genie): Marids are fluid and aquatic in nature. They have shimmering, blue-green skin, often adorned with intricate patterns resembling flowing water. Their hair and beards are made of seaweed or water tendrils.   Dao (Earth Genie): Dao are solid and earthy beings, resembling statuesque, muscular individuals made of stone and minerals. Their skin ranges from various shades of brown and gray, and they often wear rich, earth-toned clothing.   Genies are typically attired in opulent and extravagant garments, reflecting their status as beings of great power and wealth. They often possess elaborate jewelry, crowns, and magical trinkets.   One of the defining traits of genies is their connection to magical artifacts known as "genie lamps" or "bottles." These objects serve as prisons for genies, and when released, the genie is bound to fulfill the wishes of the one who released them, often leading to adventures and intricate plots.   Genies are renowned for their mastery of elemental magic and their ability to grant wishes. They can manipulate their respective elemental forces with ease, creating devastating spells or using their powers to protect or aid their allies. However, they are not beholden to mortals and often have their own goals and ambitions, making interactions with them complex and unpredictable.


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