
Hags are vile and malevolent creatures that haunt the darker corners of the world of fantasy. They are often depicted as twisted, wizened crones with grotesque features and a penchant for dark magic and malevolent deeds. Hags are notorious for their cunning and their propensity to sow discord and chaos wherever they go.
  The appearance of a hag varies, but they are typically depicted as elderly and haggard women with emaciated bodies and warts, wens, or pustules covering their skin. Their eyes are often described as gleaming with malevolence, and their sharp, yellowed teeth are used to add to their frightening appearance. Hags are known to shapeshift, using their magic to adopt more appealing forms to deceive and manipulate unsuspecting victims.
  Hags are skilled practitioners of dark and foul magic, often specializing in curses, hexes, and other forms of arcane manipulation. They are known to brew vile concoctions, including potions and poisons, which they use to further their nefarious schemes. Hags can also cast spells that affect the minds and emotions of those they target, often leading their victims to madness or despair.
  These creatures are often found dwelling in remote, desolate places such as swamps, dense forests, or abandoned ruins. They form covens, groups of three hags working together to amplify their dark powers and increase their influence. Covens are known to engage in sinister activities, including the kidnapping of children, the spreading of curses, and the manipulation of local politics.
  Hags are opportunistic and cunning predators. They are known to make bargains with desperate individuals, granting power or favors in exchange for something valuable, often with hidden, treacherous consequences. They are also known to kidnap and consume the flesh of infants, particularly if the child possesses magical potential.


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