
Savillia is mainly inhabited by humans but a large portion of the populations are gnomes, descendants of those that worked for the Archadian Empire and survived the Calamity. Now, they use their knowledge and skills to rise their new country politically as one of the best in building ships. Clients come from all around the world and the gnomes are gaining influence every year, postponing the inevitable conflict with the Divine Empire over the lost duchy.  


After the Fourth Age, The Calamity, the great Archadian Empire was destroyed. Mainly those that were not on the continent at the time survived. This includes a gnomish expedition in the Duchy of Savill. The people here had a very bad time to survive the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age, thus the gnomes did their best to help them by using their skills in boatmaking. Fishing saved many lives and when the green ended, the gnomes became de facto leaders of the lands. Over the next two centuries, they worked hard to become independent and used all their knowledge from the lost empire to become a shipwright nation. When the Divine Empire came knocking to their doorstep, the ships were the only reason they weren't forcefully rejoined. From that point on, many delegates come to the gnomes, buying or ordering ships from them, while the Divine Empire tries their best to convince them to join their growing nation.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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