Spell: Coerce the Soul

Coerce the Soul

4-level Necromancy

Casting Time 1 hour
Range Touch (no creature dead more than 5 days)
Duration Instant
Components V, S, M
Materials 500gp worth of diamond dust

The cleric coerces the soul to come back to the body, however, this doesn't bring it back to life. Instead, the soul is between realms, sometimes hovering over the consecrated body or nearby. It will be unhappy that it was called but this is the only time for the cleric or the deceased friends and family to plead for the soul to return. Then they roll for ability checks (GM decides which ones, mainly those are Charisma for empathy arguments, while Intelligence for logical ones), the DC is set in secret by the GM. If the creature was a player character, then after that the GM discusses in private with the player the arguments that passed the check and if they are enough to compel him. He should note what arguments worked in the end and if they are used again, they might need a higher ability check for the soul to hear them.

Class(es): Cleric


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