
Source Planes: Creation

The Trueforge, as some would like to call the Godsforge, is a Greater Plane of Creation. In this place you can find any kind of tool, be it an anvil, foundry, hammer, knife or anything really, that would help you craft. This is heaven for many master craftsmen, wanting to end in the Trueforge after their deaths or visit it just once. While there are untold millions of tools and places to work, there is one in the center of it all that brings all the eyes - the Trueforge itself. It is a heavenly anvil that is about 300 meters in height, almost no mortal is able to use it, as it only reacts to the Trueforge Hammer that is in the hands of Achaesius, the Source Being that takes care of the whole plane. The anvil can be used to create new artifacts, improve magical items making them legendary or even change the very nature of an item. While creating new items is always encouraged, changing an artifact can be tricky, sometimes forbidden. As you can choose the new form (a shield to a sword), you can't choose what cosmic forces will bind the item, it can change from a celestial artifact to a devil's handiwork. Also, there is a risk of breaking the Trueforge. This doesn't destroy it but can make it inoperable for a time until Achaesius repairs it. It can take from years to centuries to even ages. So, he almost never would allow such a thing to not risk harming the anvil.
Dimensional plane
Characters in Location


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