Well of Death

At the core of the multiverse lies the Well of Death, a realm that shrouds existence in the eternal embrace of the afterlife. In stark contrast to its life-affirming counterpart, the Well of Life, this realm serves as the wellspring of death itself, imbuing The Cube—the encompassing sphere that unites all—with the essence of finality and the inexorable passage into the beyond.   The Well of Death presents a realm that exists in an eternal twilight, neither fully light nor complete darkness. Its landscapes are shrouded in a perpetual gloom, with shadowy mountains, whispering rivers, and ghostly remnants of once-thriving cities.   Here, the principles of death reign supreme, and their influence is palpable in every waning heartbeat, fading breath, and the inexorable pull of time. Time flows like a mournful dirge, with each passing moment bringing the world closer to its ultimate end.   The Well of Death serves as the primordial source of the forces of mortality, bestowing upon the multiverse the gifts of transition, passage, and the final rest. Mortals and planar creatures alike are touched by this realm, as it guides all things from the realm of the living into the eternal slumber.   Touching the unbridled force of Death is a choice with irreversible consequences. Those who dare to do so find themselves immediately claimed by the abyss, their existence extinguished in an instant. It is the Cube's solemn responsibility to contain and regulate the raw power of death, ensuring that the cycle of life continues unabated.   Venturing into the Well of Death is a somber journey into the heart of the afterlife, where the very essence of existence is transformed into an eternal dreamless sleep. Those who return from its depths are forever marked by the realm's touch, bearing the weight of its melancholic presence.   The Well of Death stands as a testament to the inescapable inevitability of mortality, a realm where all things eventually find their way to the final rest. Within its shadowy landscapes lies both the promise of eternal reprieve and the looming specter of becoming one with the quiet abyss.
Alternative Name(s)
Abyss of the Eternal Slumber
Planar Sphere/Grouping


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